A one-stop destination to stream movies, TV shows, and music, Plex is the most comprehensive entertainment platform available today. Available on almost any device, Plex is the first-and-only streaming platform to offer free ad-supported movies, shows, and live TV together with the ability to easily search—and add to your Watchlist—any title ever made, no matter which streaming service it lives on. Using the platform as their entertainment concierge, 17 million (and growing!) monthly active users count on Plex for new discoveries and recommendations from all their favorite streaming apps, personal media libraries, and beyond.
A Plex account is basically your personal identity for things associated with Plex. You use it to sign in to the plex.tv website, the support forums, and Plex apps.
The Plex website will allow you to manage your Plex account. You can use the top menu bar on the plex.tv website to sign in, sign up for a new account, or access account information if already signed in.

Sign Up for a New Plex Account
Click the Sign Up button in the menubar to bring you to a form where you can create a new Plex account. Or click the button below.

- Continue with Google: Sign up using your Google Account. A new window from Google will appear for confirmation.
- Continue with Facebook: Sign up using your Facebook Account. A new window from Facebook will appear for confirmation.
- Continue with Apple: Sign up using your Apple account. You will be redirected to Apple’s site for confirmation.
- Directly with Email: Sign up using your email address and create a password. Be sure to double-check that you entered both correctly!
Related Page: Use Google, Facebook, or Apple to Sign in with Plex
Setting a Username
When an account is created a default username is created by taking half of the first part of the email address and appending numbers until it’s unique. If you wish to create a username you can do that on your account page. Link: Plex Web App: Account page
- Allowed characters:
- Maximum length: 30 characters
Forgot Your Password?
If you’ve forgotten your password and need to have it reset, you can find a Forgot? link on email sign-in form.

Enter your email address and submit the form. If the address matches an existing, active Plex account, an email will be sent that contains instructions on resetting the account password.